We provide customers with weekly curbside garbage collection services. Residents may choose between 32, 64 or 96 gallon containers. Please be sure to reference the list of determined accepted and not accepted materials.
Household garbage
Items that cannot go into recycling or yard waste carts
Disposable diapers & personal care products
Pet waste & kitty litter (bagged)
Styrofoam (put packing peanuts in bags)
Plastic bags and plastic wrap
Food Waste
Cold ashes (bagged)
No hazardous waste
No hot ashes
No Liquids of any kind
No TVs, computers, cell phones, or electronic devices
No needles or medical waste
No dead animals
Liquids of any kind: antifreeze, brake fluid, gasoline, used oil, pool chemicals, paint, thinners, pesticides, insecticides, etc.
No dirt, rock or concrete
No batteries, fluorescent tubes, mercury switches, E-waste, or U-Waste
General Service Details
At ACES Waste Services, Inc. we strive to provide the best service feasible to all of our customers. It is our mission to make your services as convenient and streamlined as possible. We ask for your patience when unforeseeable events occur that require us to adjust our schedule. Weather and vehicle maintenance can cause last minute schedule changes. If your pick-up hasn’t occurred according to your expected schedule, please continue to leave your cart out, a driver should be through shortly.
To report a missed pick-up, contact customer service via our missed pick-up form or by calling 209-274-2237.
- Collection service is provided on a weekly basis.
- Containers must be at the curbside prior to 6 am of your scheduled collection day, including holidays with the exception of Christmas Day and New Years Day.
- Our staff is available Monday – Friday from 9 am – 4 pm to answer any questions you may have. Please call us at 209-274-2237 with any questions or concerns.
Please adhere to the following when placing your carts out for pick-up. This will ensure smooth service and collection for all.
- Carts must be placed at the curb, or at the edge of the street for those areas that have no curbs, FACING the street. Please have them out prior to 6 am on as level a place as possible.
- Orange recycling bags provided by ACES should be placed next to your garbage cart. Place all recycle materials in the orange bags.
- As of Oct 2020 we will being supplying orange bag customers a 64 gal recycle cart to place your orange bags and cardboard in on your service day.
- Carts must be spaced 3 feet apart in order for the hydraulic arm to grasp each cart. Please ensure proper spacing so that pick-up can occur.
- Carts must be 3 feet from any obstruction such as vehicles, trees, walls, fences, mailboxes, etc. Because damage can occur to objects too close to carts, pick-up will not occur if there is not adequate clearance.
- Carts must not be placed directly beneath a tree, as overhead clearance is required.
- All garbage and recyclables must be contained in your ACES furnished carts or orange recycling bags
- Cars parked at the curb and blocking access to the carts, or extending into the clearance area will prevent servicing of your cart.
Your cart will not be serviced if any of the above conditions are not met. Thank you for your help with automated collection service! Please call ACES at 209-274-2237 for assistance or if you have any questions about the automated system.
Other Information
- Materials must fall freely from container when dumped.
- Lids on all carts must be completely closed.
- Containers will not be serviced if they are over-filled, are not accessible, or contaminated inappropriate materials.
- The rate you pay is for a level, full container. Additional charges may apply if extra garbage is placed, or if cart is over-stuffed, or over flowing with refuse.
- Drivers will not collect any extra garbage unless you have made prior arrangements with the office. Contact us to make those arrangements via email or by calling customer service at 209-274-2237.