ACES Waste Services provides our customers curbside yard waste collection service and recycling collection on alternating weeks (see Calendar for schedule).

Yard Waste must be placed in your cart loose, without bags or boxes.

ACES supplies 96 gallon carts for yard waste collection. Please review our list of acceptable and unacceptable items for yard waste collection.

There are acceptable and unacceptable items for yard waste collection. Please refer to the following list to determine acceptable vs. unacceptable materials.


Grass Clippings

Garden Trimmings


Plants (remove any dirt from around the plant)

Small wood scraps

Tree limbs less than 3 inches in diameter


Wood Chips


No hazardous waste

No hot ashes

No Liquids of any kind

No TVs, computers, cell phones, or electronic devices

No needles or medical waste

No dead animals

No dirt, rock or concrete

No plastic bags or boxes